Friday, January 17, 2014

Map Critique Module 1

Bad Map Design

This is a bad map for many reasons.  The main problem is there is entirely too much information. What is being displayed here could easily be broken up into several maps. The author of this map may have interesting and good data but one cannot understand what is being portrayed without spending a good a lot of time reading each legend at carefully studying the map. The author put in the time to gather data and make the map, but what you take out is confusion of over lapping data on a very large scale.

Good Map Design

This is an example of a good map. This map shows clear and detailed ancestry information through simple colors, which are pleasing to the eye. It uses simple, neutral colors, which work well with this type of data. The contrasts of neighboring colors make smaller details stand out. The labels used are simple and clear information. This map follows all of Tufteisms from The visual Display of Quantitative information. Although this map does not have a North arrow it is assumed that North is up as the target audience will be some one from the United States. Also the map would not be used for navigation purposes, as it does not have navigable features.

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