Thursday, January 30, 2014

GIS Cartography Module 3

“GIS is not just about making maps”
This lab focused on the cartographic output of GIS. GIS analyst needs to be able to create maps that convey information in a clear and concise manner. If the analyst is not able to do this through cartographic output their customer will not understand the research that they have conducted.

The first map for this lab involved more than one layer and how to manipulate and organize the layers in an intuitive manner. I downloaded an Adobe swatch exchange file from colorbrewer to have sequential colors that ramp upward in intensity to show increasing population in each state. 

In the second map I added road, rivers, and urban areas over 1 million. I then excluded smaller roads and rivers since the map was overly cluttered. Finally I added a inset map and labeled the large urban areas.

The finally map for this week was a elevation map. This map shows an increasing intensity of colors for the higher elevations.

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